Acceleration options include subject acceleration, whole-grade acceleration, and early Entrance.
Subject acceleration is defined as a student taking an above-grade level course in a particular subject, such as English, math, science, or social studies. The student remains with his/her grade-level peers in all other subject areas. An example of subject acceleration is a 6th-grade student enrolled in Math 7.
Whole grade acceleration is defined as a student being enrolled in a grade level above his/her age peers. An example of whole-grade acceleration is a student ending 2nd grade in the 2021-2022 school year and enrolling in 4th grade in the 2022-2023 school year.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten is defined as a student who does not turn 5 years old before August 1st enrolling and attending Kindergarten. Early Entrance to Kindergarten is considered a form of whole-grade acceleration.
The district reviews all candidates for both subject acceleration and whole-grade acceleration. Referrals for either type of acceleration may be made by contacting
The district follows the Iowa Acceleration Scale for whole-grade acceleration and early entrance to kindergarten. The Iowa Acceleration Scale process includes testing to better understand the student’s ability, aptitude, achievement, and social-emotional development.
Information on the Iowa Acceleration Scale can be found here.